Our volunteers / our partners / our sponsors

We are very thankful with all our partners and sponsors


 Some of our volunteers

Meaningful and emotive brand design for those who are creating a positive
change in the world.

Juliana Bravin offers us her fabulous work with great professionalism. She is our UX-Design Team leader and she has create the beautiful design of App-CONNECT.

Thank you very much !


Psychologue FSP, Psychologue de la Santé, Dre en Psychologie, j'ai à cœur d'être à l'écoute des personnes qui s'adressent à moi. J'offre un espace d'écoute bienveillante avec le respect des règles déontologiques et éthiques. Mes consultations psychologiques peuvent avoir lieu en ligne ou en cabinet.

Je suis également praticienne en soins énergétiques - magnétisme (en cabinet) sur Aubonne et Genève.

The psychologist Isabelle offers her knowledge and experience for the App, to guide, advise, proofread and test.

Thank you so much Isbelle!



Marina Cornu 


Médiatrice et juriste

Marina offers her knowledge and experience for the App, for all legal matters, answering many questions, guiding the team and creating the General Conditions and Privacy Politics.

Thank you very much Marina!

After graduating from “Babes - Bolyai” University in Cluj- Napoca, Romania, Profira worked for several years as a teacher. Three years ago, she started to study software development, becoming a front-end developer. To advance her performance, she completed her studies by learning front-end-specific frameworks and preprocessors (React and Angular, Bootstrap, SASS), web design & style, and manual testing. Her interest is centred on graphical design, typography, and how to effectively organize and communicate through visual information. In addition to technical skills, she has excellent problem-solving skills and flexibility due to the changing technologies and frameworks. 

Profira offers her knowledge and experience for the App, creating content, user testing, many tips to improve, etc.

Thank you so much Profira! 






Lhoussaine has developed App-CONNECT as developer in Flutter, dicember 2021.
He has done an amazing and huge work programming all the app, guiding us offering his services and advices on a voluntary basis with great enthusiasm, motivation and professionalism.

Thank you so much Lhoussaine !

With www.app-connect.org and www.idak.online I aim to help people overcome life's challenges with greater resilience and be happier with themselves. 

By creating tools to promote emotional and mental strength, helping to clarify one's true identity, developing a better self-esteem and building one's future self more easily.

Author/Founder Karin Kneubühl


Graduated in Psychology (2017). Master in Child and Adolescent Psychology at the University of Lausanne (2020). Research on mental health, projective tests and HEXACO.

The psychologist María offered us during several months her knowledge and her experience to create the best content for the App, to guide and advise us.

Thank you so much María!


Anas Ibrahim studied computer science at EPFL university.

During his studies, he helped App-CONNECT as developer in Flutter, at the begining of the project.
He offered us his services and advices on a voluntary basis with great enthusiasm, motivation and professionalism during almost 2 years.

Thank you very much Anas !




 Our partners during the creation of App-CONNECT

Ads platform

benevol-jobs.ch offers us a simple and effective solution to find volunteers according to their know-how, their skills and their availability.

Thank you very much !


Be more collaborative, productive, and efficient with Google Workspace for Nonprofits

Google has been a fabulous support for our association and for allowing us to work and create App-CONNECT. Workspace and all the tools available provided us with the ideal platform to work since our volunteers are located throughout Switzerland and around the world.

Thank you very much for all the tools you give free for Non-Profits!

Google for Nonprofits

Are you socially committed and want to take your project a step further? We can help! Apply with your team for our coaching offer. Migros Culture Percentage comes to the rescue. Take advantage of our coaching for social initiatives with your non-profit organization.

Thank you very much for the coaching you are giving us !  


Radix contribue à la création de conditions de vie, de travail et de loisirs favorables à la santé. Nous renforçons les compétences des indivitus et des communautés en matière de bien-être et de santé.

Thank you very much for your support making the app known.



Collaborative design tool

Figma is the leading collaborative design tool for building meaningful products. Seamlessly design, prototype, develop, and collect feedback in a single ...

Thank you so much for enabling us to use freely this fantastic tool for the design of our app.


Canva’s premium features for free 

We are so thankful for Canva's generosity for non-profits and we are happy to be able to enjoy all design tools and the easy way to create high-impact social media graphics and marketing materials ! 

Thank you so much Canva.com

Donation platform

+Easy and Secure Donations to Swiss Charities. An association aiming to promote and facilitate donations in Switzerland and offer greater visibility to charities through our digital portal.

We are grateful to SwissDonations.ch for recognizing us and providing a great platform to increase visibility for our donator searching efforts. Thank you !


Crowdfunding platform

Support local associations, create non-commercial projects and become a local hero too.

We are thankful to HérosLocaux.ch for giving us the opportunity to enhance our visibility and connect with supporters through their crowdfunding platform. It's a valuable resource for our campaign.



Le GivingTuesday est la journée mondiale de la générosité. Cette journée est consacrée à donner et à faire le bien. L’engagement social bénéficie d’une attention et d’une visibilité élevées.

Nous sommes très reconnaissants envers Giving-Tuesday Suisse pour l'espace reçu chaque année pour pouvoir promouvoir gratuitement notre association et notre engagement.


Sponsor of Giving-Tuesday 

Swissfundraising, the professional organization of fundraising specialists in Switzerland, promotes fundraising through joy and dialogue.

We are very thankful for being able to participate each year.


Le Réseau Santé Psychique Suisse est un groupement d’associations, d’institutions et d’entreprises qui s’engagent en faveur de la santé psychique en Suisse.

Nous sommes heureux de faire partie du réseau et de pouvoir contribuer au bien-être de la population.


We are delighted to announce that a psychology student from the University of Fribourg has successfully completed an internship with CONNECT Association from 2020 to 2022. 

We extend our heartfelt gratitude for placing your trust in us.



Exonération pour but d'utilité publique

We're thrilled to announce that CONNECT Association has received tax exemption status for federal, cantonal and communal taxes, making your donations tax deductible!

Thank you very much for beleiving in our project.


Exonération pour but d'utilité publique

We're thrilled to announce that CONNECT Association has received tax exemption status for federal, cantonal and communal taxes, making your donations tax deductible!

Thank you very much for beleiving in our project.


Exonération pour but d'utilité publique

We're thrilled to announce that CONNECT Association has received tax exemption status for federal, cantonal and communal taxes, making your donations tax deductible!

Thank you very much for beleiving in our project.


S’apprivoiser pour bien se vivre

Kokliko: s'apprivoiser pour bien se vivre, bien avec soi et bien avec les autres.

Kokliko m'accompagne dans mes carrefours hormonaux et dans mes carrefours de vie. Apprendre à habiter mon corps, comprendre qui je suis, prendre soin de mes besoins, à chaque circonstance de ma vie.

Thank you very much for your support making the app known.



Online store on Android

Google Play is an online store on Android that makes it easy for more than 2.5 billion monthly users across 190+ markets worldwide to discover millions of high-quality apps, games, books, and more.

We are happy that App-CONNECT was approved to be in your store. Thank you.


Online store on iOS

For over a decade, the App Store has proved to be a safe and trusted place to discover and download apps.

We are happy that App-CONNECT was approved to be in your store. Thank you.


Payments infrastructure for the internet

A great way to accept donations quickly: Getting nonprofit organizations started with PayPal.

We are very thankful for the possibility to open an account for free with PayPal.


Payments infrastructure for the internet

Millions of companies of all sizes use Stripe online and in person to accept payments, send payouts, automate financial processes, and ultimately grow revenue.



Website creator/admin.

Key partner for the websites' creation and updates of www.App-CONNECT.org and the CONNECT volunteers website.



Alejandro Chavez with CIMS offers us great support for planning, budget, research and developer analysis for the project.

Thank you very much !


Meaningful and emotive brand design for those who are creating a positive change in the world.

Thank you so much for the beautiful design you made for App-CONNECT and our logo !


Creative studio

Magnolia Digital is a creative studio focused on helping small businesses and startups in Switzerland who lack the time and marketing budget to afford a marketing department in-house to develop and fortify their brand digitally. 



Creative Video Production Agency 

A team of creative enthusiasts, helping brands & startups to create their customized promotional videos.

Thank you very much for creating a new video for the promotion in AppStore and PlayStore.


Where creators come to make it.

The All-in-one Creator Platform.

Sell in your creator store, build an email marketing strategy, score brand deals—all from your Beacons Link-in-Bio. Powered by AI.

Thank you for this free platform that give us another way to gather our links. www.beacons.ai/connectorg



idak.online is a partner creation of App-CONNECT.

Workbooks to reignite your zest for life. 


Approval with Google 

We are so thankful for www.stifter-helfen.de who has helped us to confirm to Google that we are an association, in order to enjoy all the free tools from Google for Non-Profits.

Thank you so much.



Accompagnement psychologique pour adultes, adolescents et enfants

L’accompagnement que je propose est personnalisé et vise à respecter chacun dans son unicité. J’utilise différents outils selon les sensibilités et besoins de chacun.



 Our sponsors

Vivian is a sponsor of the App-CONNECT.

He is an ideator and has many ideas for cultural projects. Ex: when will an artobus a festival in Switzerland artchapelles (as in Brittain for 20 years), an art library in Lausanne see motion art library in Geneva, etc.

Thank you very much Vivian ! 


Jasmine et Pascal


Jasmine and Pascal are sponsors of the App-CONNECT.

Thank you very much Jasmine and Pascal for believing in the project since the beginning !


Lotti et Hans


Lotti and Hans are sponsors of the App-CONNECT.

Thank you very much Lotti and Hans for believing in the project since the beginning !



Regina is sponsor of the App-CONNECT.

Thank you very much Regina for believing in the project since the beginning !




Marc is sponsor of the App-CONNECT.

Thank you very much Marc for believing in the project since the beginning !






Be part of it !

Let's create a world
where everyone has the tools
they need to navigate life's challenges.

Please let us know how
you would like to participate in this project !